12th November 2022: the 1st anniversary of the Conservatory of Ethnobotany, in Castelluccio Superiore

On Saturday, 12 November 2022 the 1st anniversary of the Conservatory of Ethnobotany will be celebrated, located in Castelluccio Superiore, a research and documentation centre for the study of applied botany and ethnobotany; it houses the herbarium of Lucanian and Mediterranean flora, xylotheque, fruit-seeds and gemmates, a thematic library completes the botanical collection and the Basilian Hortus as a garden of the Semplici and of Lucanian medicinal and alimurgical varieties.
A theoretical-practical experiential didactic place as a floristic primer of useful food, aromatic, artisanal, curative and cosmetic species, to research, study and reconstruct the knowledge established over the centuries of the role of plants for a healthy life, today defined Positive Biology – One Health.

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