Trotula and Mediterranean Medicinal Plants: From the Middle Ages to Modern Cosmetology

A journey through medieval plants and herbal remedies in dermocosmetics, interpreted in the light of current knowledge in pharmaceutical, chemical, and technological sciences. This fascinating exploration, which also includes a reflection on the evolution of beauty and wellness trends from the Middle Ages to the present day, is led by a group of scientists affiliated with the UNESCO Chair of Salerno. The development of modern cosmetology finds some of its roots in the surprising contemporaneity of one of the writings attributed to Trotula, a historical figure or group of figures associated with the Salerno Medical School and Mediterranean culture of using plants for cosmetics.


Authors: Rita Patrizia Aquino e Maurizio Bifulco;

Contributions of Valeria D’Amato, Domenico D. De Falco, Tiziana Esposito, Teresa Mencherini, Simona Pisanti, Tania Re

Edition: 226 pages, genre: Non-fiction, published by Robin Edizioni, Turin, 2023 ISBN 9791254670484

Link: mediterranee-dal-medioevo-alla-cosmetologia-moderna

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