A novel approach for habitat classification, mapping and monitoring by supervised machine learning modelling (SMLM)
In the light of the “Biological Diversity” concept, habitats are cardinal pieces for biodiversity quantitative estimation at a local and ...
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The ancient Chinese medical literature revealed an enormous wealth of ideas on hair disease pathogenesis and the formulas for its treatment.
With the kidney association in mind, over 400 Chinese medical books were investigated to collect the materia medica and formulas ...
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Study on ajuga reptans extract: A natural antioxidant in microencapsulated powder form as an active ingredient for nutraceutical or pharmaceutical purposes
The administration of natural antioxidants is considered to be a prevention strategy for chronic diseases and a useful tool for ...
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Halimium halimifolium: From the Chemical and Functional Characterization to a Nutraceutical Ingredient Design
Halimium halimifolium (Hh) is a shrub used in Algerian folk medicine to treat gastrointestinal pain. An UHPLC-PDA-ESI/MSn method was developed to identify ...
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Cannabis Essential Oil: A Preliminary Study for the Evaluation of the Brain Effects
We examined the effects of essential oil from legal (THC <0.2% w/v) hemp variety on the nervous system in 5 ...
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How to wear a Forest. The Intangible Cultural Heritage of healing biospheres in Camaldoli (IT), Lapland (FI), Chaparri (PE) and Mayantuyacu (PE)
The World Natural Heritage of forests includes almost a third of the whole UNESCO properties, including primary territories, Reserves of ...
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Non-linear Dynamics and Chaotic Trajectories in Brain-Mind Visual Experiences during Dreams, Meditation, and Non-Ordinary Brain Activity States
The present report discusses brain visual experiences in conditions of low degree of openness of the brain toward the environment, ...
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Trotula de Ruggiero: The Magistra mulier sapiens and her medical dermatology treatises
Trotula de Ruggiero is supposed to be one of the first female physician of the history, or at least the ...
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Traditional uses, pharmacological efficacy, and phytochemistry of Moringa peregrina (Forssk.) Fiori. A review.
Moringa is a sole genus of Moringaceae family with 13 species distributed in the tropical and sub-tropical regions. Among them, ...
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L’arte di fare belli i capelli ieri e oggi
In questo articolo vengono riportate e commentate alcune ricette di shampoo e coloranti per capelli contenute nel "De Ornatu Mulierum" ...
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